Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Reminder of Where Our Strengths Lie

I came upon this site a while ago and then lost touch with it. This is something good to revisit regularly. Part of the Daily Dups.

Well, I came across the older Blogger version of the site. I found a revealing study of body language that compares two photos:
"Body language is another of those right brain languages that we can learn to improve our intuition. This young woman works for Hooters, an extablishment which makes a point of eye cand and the illusion of easy women.

But take another look. Could her body possibly be more closed off? Both arms and legs are crossed and arms are crossed over the crucial area. (Also, her eyes reveal that her smile is inauthentic.)

Now look at the young woman sitting in the backseat of the car.

Arms and legs wide open, arm draped askance across leg. This woman is a much easier approach. Now combine this with your own knowledge of facial expressions. The Hooters lady's face says "yes but no". The lady to the left is actually exhibiting classic signs of female "aggression", meaning "come get me".

To learn more about body language from an intuitive place, I have a series of articles you can browse HERE. These pages are especially good for picking up dating cues."

More noteworthy is a comment at the end of one post that spoke of a new TV show that showcases introvert qualities in its heroes. They are FBI profilers who are skilled into tapping into criminal minds to anticipate what they will do next so they can be caught before they do it.
"Not the best written show on tv by any means, yet it is interesting to see the importance given to the inner world. This is our forte as introverts and sure enough, a cast full of them!"
Introverts are naturally gifted in understanding the inner worlds of folk. We live in their own inner world much of the time. And we have great empathy, so we can comprehend what it's like for others easily.

The last part of the post is a great reminder to me said in a humorous way, which makes it even easier to keep in mind.

It reminds me that most folk I will run into will be extroverted. Because of this, they will not be as perceptive, sensitive, subtle, or emphatic.

I've had many personal experiences that exemplify this reality. Experiences where folk could not give me the understanding that I gave them time after time. Instances of mean and cruel treatment for no reason. I did not do anything to these people. They just find being this way amusing and don't have the capacity to feel for how it effects the other person.

But what about them? Can't them they comprehend this when it is done to them? No. They are so outwardly focused that they can't even comprehend it when it happens to them. They don't feel so deeply. They don't sense so acutely.
"This show is a reminder of where our strengths lie. If you can get into someone else's mind you sure aren't an extrovert. They can't even get into their own minds :-)"

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