Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Payne Park

I served as a juror yesterday. While being sequestered in a back room, the seven of us (one alternate which ended up being me) made small talk in this unnatural setting of being unable to talk about what was most on our minds: the present situation which brought us together.

A large window gave view of a large number of tennis courts. The most I've seen in Sarasota. We talked small, so to speak, about whether it was public or private, or maybe part of the nearby high school. There was a track behind it that was distinguishable by its orange-colored surface. I wanted to find out more about this and made a mental note to look it up later. I knew that Payne Park was in this area and looked that up first. Sure enough, there had been recent renovations and among the additions were tennis courts and a track made of a very cushiony surface.

I was happy to find a track that was open to the public. It's a half-mile long with mild curves and seems to even vary in grade a bit. I plan to make a visit some time soon. If it is what it appears from a distance, I plan to make it a regular place to visit for the Bubblin Fizz. I hope to find other surprises like maybe a place to do Nups & Lollies, and various surfaces and obstacles to try some Hakbang Moomin.

Once again, developments arise as I progress. The opportunity comes as I am ready for it.

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