Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Relentless Worker Undeterred

A listener sent these images to C2C. It is of a group of ants carrying a corn chip across a parking lot.

He said that while talking to his friends, these ants carried the chip together from one end of the parking lot to the other.

You may be thinking of the strength of these ants because that is what is most often stated about them. (Actually, pound for pound, they are not that strong. We are stronger. Because we have to be.)

But their true strength lies in their teamwork, organization, and relentlessness. They can move a lot of earth because of these traits combined with their shear numbers. And that is at least one of their benefits to the planet. They serve as living tillers of soil, moving the nutrients around and enriching the soil with their daily activity.

Here are links to other impressive ants:

  1. An ant that broke up a nut because she couldn't carry it whole over an obstacle.
  2. Two shots of ants carrying crumbs up a wall in someone's office.
  3. A closer look of an ant using its head to carry what looks like a berry.
  4. Another group of ants carry a bread crumb. They fell down a hole while carrying it, but soon emerged to continue on.
  5. Big close-up of an ant's 'high-speed antics'.
  6. 'Teeming ant hill'.
  7. Carrying a Cheerio.
Words that come up when people who've taken the time to really observe ants: organization, community, teamwork, tenacity, relentless, undeterred, steadfast, workers, and impressive.

They are an inspiration to observe and consider.

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